Argentina, Entre Rios

Concordia weather forecast today

Currently in Concordia

  • Night +17° Normally
  • Morning +17° Normally
  • Day +21° Warm
  • Evening +18° Normally
Feels Like +16°C

Variable cloud, no precipitation

Chance of precipitation 0 %
Wind 5 m/s
Pressure 757
UV Index 1/12
Humidity 82 %
Precipitation 0.02 mm

Weather forecast updated at 16:51 ©

16 April
17 April
18 April
19 April

Concordia: detailed information

Local time UTC/GMT -3 18:23
Day length 11:14:37
Sunrise 07:14
Sunset 18:28
🌒 Moon Phase first quarter
Geographic coordinates -32° 36′ 0″ S -59° 58′ 1″ W
Decimal coordinates -31.40 -58.03
Altitude 26 m
Population 201 703 people
Twilight Civil 06:49 / 18:53
Twilight Astronomical 05:53 / 19:49
Twilight Nautical 06:21 / 19:21

Historical Weather Data

16 April

The maximum air temperature in Concordia for this day for the last 75 years of observations is +32.6°C, recorded in 2016.

An absolute minimum of +5.5°C was recorded in 2008. The average temperature for this day is +28.6°C.

The heaviest rainfall (76.64 mm) in Concordia was recorded in 1989. The maximum wind gusts were up to 17.83 m/s in 1999.

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